At bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载, we have 3 major academic programs:
30多年了, AEI一直提供高质量的产品, 针对非母语人士的bet9官网app下载课程
来自世界各地. Classes are led by highly qualified, native-speaking instructors. 我们的班级很小,很亲密,
Our bet9官网app下载 Program focuses on 6 core elements of language proficiency. These are the Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Vocabulary.
It consists of 8 levels from beginner to college level proficiency in English. When a student first comes to AEI, they are given a placement test. The results determine the appropriate level of study.
•每周20小时/ 8周的课程
•时间:上午9:00 -下午12:50
•每周15小时/ 8周的课程
•时间:上午9:00 - 11:50
Students in our 测试准备 program are looking to continue their advanced education at an American University or College. 因为这些学校用英语授课, they often have entrance exams to ensure that their students have a full understanding of English and can communicate in English before coming to learn at their school. AEI has developed several 测试准备 courses to help our students prepare for these entrance exams.
这取决于学生的目标, 他们想要入读的学校, 或者它们的认证
wishing to receive, t在这里 are several courses to choose from. 探索我们的产品和课程要求通过
•每周22小时/ 8周的课程
• Successful completion of all eight levels of AEI’s bet9官网app下载 Program or:
- score higher than Level Eight on AEI’s placement test or:
- show proof of having successfully passed professional exams in English (TOEFL,
• Students wishing to enroll in Section II of one of our 测试准备 classes must pass Section I or show
实际托福考试成绩达到70分或更高, 150 for GRE or 630 for GMAT before enrolling in Section II.
As specialists in English as a Second Language training (ESL), 我们经常被要求定制课程和
专业培训计划. 这些被归类为AEI的辅导. 因为这些程序完全
根据学生需求定制, their fees vary - depending on the required timeframe and program details.
AEI offers both in-person tutoring and online tutoring.
• U.S. 公民身份
•GRE -语言和数学
•GMAT -语言和数学
•ACT/SAT -语言和数学